Wednesday, September 1, 2010

To the person who stole my credit card information...

Thank-you for providing me a full 20 minutes of head shaking and giggling as I looked over the purchases you chose to make:

- Dallas Guns

- Online Buddies Inc (an online dating service)

- Terrific Pet (by the amount of money you tried to spend here I am guessing you either have some sort of small horse to feed or you are trying to spoil your numerous cats by getting them personal cat condos)

- Other colorfully named gun-related websites

I would also lilke to thank-you on behalf of my bank's representative who had a good chuckle himself as we went through the charges figuring out which were legit.

Lastly, I would like to apologize for keeping my credit card balance hovering around the "maxed out" point thereby making all of your attempted purchases impossible.

1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious that dallas guns was on the top of the list. I am sorry for your loss, but thanks for having a sense of humor about it. Cool blog.
