Friday, October 15, 2010

Highschool Flashback Fridays!

No show defined my high school experience more than My So-Called Life.  Despite the fact that it was only on for one season (apparently Claire Danes had had enough by then), it really struck a chord with girls my age for its brilliant portrayal of the my-life-is-total-crap-and-is-so-confusing-and-no-one-understands-me teenage turmoil.  The jaded and confused Angela, the "token gay guy" Rickie, the nerd Brian, the funky but troubled Rayanne, and of course the dreamy (but dumb) Jordan Catalano.  Much like The Breakfast Club, this show borrowed on the all-too-familiar tropes of high school life and brought them to life, and most importantly, up to date for the teenage viewers.  I still cringe when I think of how awkward Angela is throughout much of the show, but I think it is because I am actually cringing at my memories of myself being that awkward in high school.  Gosh, if I could just know then what I know now!

But for the record...this was my favorite scene of the whole show.  Enjoy! *giggles*

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