Friday, September 24, 2010

For the times they are ... um ... becoming different.

Fall is almost upon us here in Toronto and as much as I will miss patios, shorts and the feel of the sun on my skin, I am ready to put the summer behind me and move on to the next season. To me, fall feels like a warm over sized sweater on a crisp morning.  As soon as the first hint of autumn hits me I immediately begin to cycle through the numerous 'symbols' of this season in my head.  Such as:

- apples
- scarves
- squashes
- warm soup
- changing leaves
- awesome fall boots
- etc.

Most importantly, fall is the perfect prelude to the long winter nap.  It is like the chamomile tea I drink to make sure my slumber is peaceful and easy.  Although the winter does not always come and go as easy as a snooze in a comfy bed, there is a sense of suspended time when all of the plants are buried under snow and the sun is barely visible.  Winter is the time that we plan.  The time we take stock of the previous year and make resolutions (be they New Year's Eve inspired or not) for the following year.  So it only makes sense that one should be properly prepared for such a soul-searching season. My personal preparation, which consists of spending more time indoors, and by myself, while drinking copious amounts of apple cider and contemplating new soup recipes to an unhealthy degree, is one that gets me ready to relax, slow down and go inwards.

I believe it was in an episode of the MTV reality show "The City" that someone (I believe it was a date of one of the main character's on the show) said they prefer places like NYC to LA mostly due to the seasonal changes.  He said something (and I am sure I am paraphrasing) that seeing friends in the winter time is a much more intimate experience.  Everyone is indoors and physically closer together than they would be out of doors, plus everyone has to make more of an effort to get all bundled up and venture out of their apartments.  It separates the friends from the acquaintances I think!

I remember hearing him say this and right away I wanted to jump into the nearest dimly lit booth with my closest friends, while snow was falling outside and enjoy some red wine...or even better, mulled red wine!  As much as I am sure this winter will be a fabulous one (I feel it in my bones) I am even more excited to experience the autumn months and take advantage of the natural beauty this season provides as much as possible.  Plus this is the perfect time to start weeding out the "acquaintances" and making mental lists of who you will be enjoying mulled wine with come January.

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